Friday, October 03, 2008

Stop fucking winking at the fucking camera

Well gosh darn it, if she'd have sounded any more Little House on the Prairie I'd have been forced to shovel apple pie down her throat till she exploded with a cheery smile. Here she is, connecting with "Joe Sixpack" and "Hockey Mom" through the medium of extraordinarily transparent folksiness.


RBH said...

It looks like her handlers have turned her into a caricature of herself. Even I can't believe that's anything like her natural self. Hm. Or is it?

SteveF said...

Initially I thought she was genuine but like you RBH, I struggle to believe that anyone can lay it on this thick. Of course, it's funny, what we have here is a person in politicial power, patronising regular folk. Which, irony of ironies, is elitism. Just what some people claim she doesn't represent. Fancy that.